Course description

Comprehensive Instrument Procedure Design Course: module 2 :

Arrival and Non Precision Approach for PBN or conventional procedures

This course can be considered as the second step of a thorough training to design any IFR trajectory or as a course to practice criteria for both RNAV/PBN  and conventional trajectory, for refreshment purposes or improvement of current practice.


Attendees shall master the general rules and principles used in procedure design (part I sections 1 and 2 of Doc 8168- OPS/611).
They must have a valid IPD1 or same level with experience in NPA procedures design.


To provide with regulations criteria and practical materials in order to perform the design and the computation of IFR trajectories.
In this course regulations criteria and practical materials in order to perform the design and the computation of RNAV/PBN trajectories and Conventional trajectories for Non Precision Approaches are presented.